CDD6: user manual – rev.07
Page 47/74
P-DA: Closing force detection settings
The closing force limit sets the threshold to recognize an obstacle during the door closing; it can be changed
from a pre-set minimum value FMIN, until to a maximum value FMAX; also, these limits can be changed.
Together with parameter P-D9 (previous paragraph), this parameter permits a complete management of
the closing force reversing limit.
There can be particular field installations that have non-optimal working conditions, and where it is
necessary to increase the FMAX limit above the nominal 150N.
IMPORTANT: in case of measurement of the actual closing force limit for reversing with a specific
instrument, to guarantee the codes limits, it is strongly suggested to set P-D9 to zero and P-DA to 100%,
before to execute the measurements of the closing force comparing it with the value of P-DA value, in
order to avoid closing force limit auto-adaptation. Please refer to the previous paragraph for the details.
After the measurements the parameters P-D9 and P-DA can be re-set to the desired value.
Default value
Adjustable between 80N and 120N
Adjustable between 0 and 99%
Adjustable between 120N and 300N or the maximum force available
for the installed motor
NOTE: If P-D9 is set to 01, P-DA will change automatically in according to previous paragraph.
P-DA = 0% is equivalent to FMIN (P-DB), P-DA = 99% is equivalent to FMAX (P-DC).
P-D8: Reversing Disabled offset at the end of closing
This parameter allows to fine tune the obstacle detection disabled space, that disable also the closing force
limiter, at the end of the closing movement. The parameter represents the offset respect to the position of
panels closed and skate opened. The set value may be affected by possible errors related to the skate
settings, or skate measurement during installation. The correct settings of the skate space with P-28
(paragraph 5.1.1) has to be verified, before applying any modification to this parameter.
Value in mm
Minimum: the closing force limiter is active also when panels are closed
and the skate is partially closed
-9mm in case of side doors
-18mm in case of centre doors
Panels closed and skate opened position
This setting allows to theoretically detect obstacle:
5mm in case of side doors
10mm in case of centre doors
Maximum: the closing force limiter is disabled 20mm before the panels
are closed.
20mm in case of side doors
40mm in case of centre doors