CDD6: user manual – rev.07
Page 43/74
P-06: glass door settings
This parameter allows to configure the installed door type, if with or without glass panels, to activate, if
necessary, the functions related to the glass panels, according to the standards limits.
Parameter value
00 = door panels not glazed
default value
All the door panels of the lift haven’t glass panels
01 = glazed door panels
At least one of the door panels of the lift has glass
: refer to paragraph 8.6 for the verification of the standards limits.
P-99: MLC interface logic settings
This parameter permits to configure the MLC commands (DOC, DCC, RSC) management on the door drive,
even from the input logic side, that on from the function of the RSC, as reported in the following table:
Parameter value
00 = DOC DCC RSC active high and
RSC function is forced closing at
reduced speed signal
default value
The DOC DCC RSC commands are high active (the MLC closes the signals to
the used 24Vdc). The RSC signal is a forced closing signal. The activation of the
RSC from the MLC means the high priority closing with reduced speed, even if
DOC signal is active.
01 = DOC DCC RSC active low, RSC
function is reduced speed
movement enable signal
The DOC DCC RSC commands are low active (the MLC closes the signals to the
used 0V). The RSC command is the enable signal for the reduced speed
movement. The activation of the RSC itself does not start any movement, but:
DOC + RSC = opening with reduced speed
DCC + RSC = closing with reduced speed
02 = DOC DCC RSC active high,
RSC function is reduced speed
movement enable signal
The DOC DCC RSC commands are high active (the MLC closes the signals to
the used 24Vdc). The RSC command is the enable signal for the reduced
speed movement. The activation of the RSC itself does not start any
movement, but:
DOC + RSC = opening with reduced speed
DCC + RSC = closing with reduced speed
03 = DOC DCC RSC active low and
RSC function is forced closing at
reduced speed signal
The DOC DCC RSC commands are low active (the MLC closes the signals to the
used 0V). The RSC signal is a forced closing signal. The activation of the RSC
from the MLC means the high priority closing with reduced speed, even if
DOC signal is active.
04 = CAN OPEN LIFT protocol
The DOC DCC RSC are not active. All the movement commands are coming
from CAN open protocol