AlphaServer 8200/8400 Operations Manual
C.2 ISP1020/1040 Configuration Utility
When the EEROMCFG configuration utility is selected, after the "transferring control"
message, a screen such as that shown in Example C-1 is displayed. This shows the
ISP1020/1040 devices on the PCI device unit number you selected (if you are running
the EEROMCFG utility from the SRM console) or all ISP1020/1040 devices on your
system (if you are running EEROMCFG from AlphaBIOS Setup). You use the arrow
keys to move the brackets [ ] up and down to select a particular ISP1020/1040 device.
Example C-1 ISP1020/1040 Configuration Utility Opening Screen
ISP1020/1040 EEROM Configuration Utility V2.1-101
+========Select ISP1020==========+
|Bus Virtual Slot Address |
|[0 0 p0] |
| 0 1 p1 |
| 0 3 p3 |
| 0 4 p4 |
| 0 6 p6 |
| 0 7 p7 |
| 0 9 p9 |
| 0 10 p10 |
| < (O)K > <E(x)it > |
Once you have chosen a specific ISP1020/1040, type “O” for OK and a screen like or
similar to the one shown in Example C-2 is shown. Choose the option you wish. The
H option allows you to modify host adapter parameters.
Example C-2 ISP1020/1040 Configuration Utility Second Screen
ISP1020/1040 EEROM Configuration Utility V2.1-101
+======== Configure EEROM Parameters ========+
| [(L)oad Default EEROM Parameters ] |
| Edit EEROM (H)ost Adapter Parameters |
| Edit EEROM (D)evice Adapter Parameters |
| Enable (U)ltrafast [FAST-20] on all devices|
| Enable (F)AST-10 on all devices |
| E(x)it |