AlphaServer 8200/8400 Operations Manual
The test command syntax is:
t[est][-write][-nowrite "list"][-t time][-q][dev_arg]
where <dev_arg> specifies the target device, group of devices, or subsystem to test. A
list of available devices and subsystem mnemonics can be obtained by issuing a show
configuration, show device, or show network command. You would then issue the
test dev_arg command to test the desired device. Table 7-8 lists the command options.
If no parameter is specified, the entire system, except for memory, is tested. Note that
system testing performed by the test command is very different from that performed
during power-on or reset. To execute systemwide self-test, use the inititalize
command. See Chapter 6 for additional examples of the test command.
Table 7-8 Test Command Options
Selects writes to media as well as reads (read only is the default).
Only applicable to disk testing (ignored otherwise).
-nowrite "list"
Used with -write to prevent selected devices or groups of devices
from being written to.
-t time
Run time in seconds, following system sizing and configuration;
default for system test is 600 seconds (10 minutes).
Disables the status messages displayed by default as exerciser
processes are started and stopped during testing. -q sets
d_verbose to zero.