SRM Console Commands
The continue command syntax is:
Continue causes the primary processor to resume program mode,
executing at the address currently in the program counter (PC). This
address is the address that was in the PC when the primary processor
received a Ctrl/P command. The system displays the hexadecimal PC
When the boot processor receives a continue command, it does not perform
processor initialization as it would for a boot procedure. The boot processor
just returns to the program it was processing.
NOTE: Following execution of the continue command, the console terminal enters
program mode, and any ASCII characters entered on the console terminal are
passed on to the operating system. In program mode, the console terminal
acts like any other terminal on the system until a Ctrl/P is issued to return it
to console mode.
NOTE: ^P followed by continue should be used selectively since some console
commands (for example, deposit, set host, show device, show network, and
test) can corrupt the machine state so that the execution of the current program
cannot resume successfully.