System Troubleshooting
Chapter 6
System Troubleshooting
This chapter describes system problems and their symptoms during power-
up, booting, and normal operation. Advanced troubleshooting is discussed
in the Service Manual. Topics discussed include:
Troubleshooting During Power-Up
Troubleshooting During Booting
Troubleshooting a PCI Shelf
Troubleshooting an XMI Plug-In Unit
Troubleshooting a Fu Plug-In Unit
Troubleshooting a BA655 Plug-In Unit
Troubleshooting a Battery Plug-In Unit
Self-Test Overview
Testing Sequence
Sample Self-Test Display
Self-Test Lines NODE # and TYP
Self-Test Lines ST and BPD
Self-Test Lines C0, C1, C2, ... Cn
Self-Test Identification Line
Self-Test Lines ILV and MB
Show Commands
Test Command
Error Reports