AlphaBIOS Firmware
Validate OS selection (F9 key) — Validates the fields in the currently selected OS
selection. The validation routine checks that the OS loader file and OS directory
fields contain valid paths, and that the OSLOADER.EXE file exists in the
directory specified. At the end of the validation, a dialog box displays describing
the results of the validation. If there is an error in an OS selection, the validation
routine displays a dialog box describing the component of the OS selection that is
in error. At this point you can choose to edit the OS selection to correct the error,
or delete the OS selection altogether.
You can also validate all OS selections at once by pressing the Control and F9
keys at the same time. All OS selections are validated in the order they are listed
on screen.
Discard changes (Escape key) — Returns to the AlphaBIOS Setup screen without
saving changes.
Save changes (F10 key) — Saves changes and returns to the AlphaBIOS Setup