Using Rigid Sterilization Containers
The STATCLAVE is capable of processing re-usable rigid sterilization containers, which can be used
as an alternative to wrapping cassettes. These provide a convenient way to organize and store
instruments. Check the sterilization container manufacturer’s instructions to determine its suitability for
pre-vacuum steam sterilization.
When Using Rigid Sterilization Containers:
ensure drying plates are used and that the
rigid sterilization containers are placed vertically
in the rack to promote proper drying. (See
Inserting drying plates, above.)
ensure there is space for sufficient air flow
between the rigid sterilization containers when
loading more than one container per row.
Unwrapped Instruments
Unwrapped instruments are also referred to as Immediate Use Instruments because once exposed to
ambient or external conditions, they cannot be maintained in a sterile state. If you plan to store your
instruments after sterilization, wrap them according to the instrument manufacturer’s instructions,
select the appropriate wrapped cycle and allow it to run to completion.
use the trays provided with your unit to
hold unwrapped instruments.
always use the trays with the chamber rack
always use the extractor provided to
remove trays from the sterilization chamber.
arrange instruments made of different
metals (stainless steel, tempered steel,
aluminum, etc.) on different trays or keep them
well separated from each other.
arrange receptacles upside down to
prevent water from pooling inside.
ensure objects on trays are always
arranged with some distance between them
ensuring they will remain in the same position for the entire sterilization cycle.
ensure that hinged instruments are sterilized in an open position.
position cutting instruments, (scissors, scalpels, etc.) so that they do not come into contact
with each other during sterilization.
load the trays beyond their maximum indicated limit. (See STATCLAVE Load Capacities
chart at the start of Section 5. Loading Instruments)
stack trays or put them in direct contact with the sterilization chamber walls.