Operating instruction information | 1
Operating instructions CMVpro 125-400 | Version 1-en
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• Technical data sheet for the fan with complete technical data, including ap-
plication limitations.
• Order confirmation or the specification sheet for the conveyed medium with
information on the (limited) resistance of the fan to certain chemical sub-
stances. See also “Permissible conveyed media”
The order confirmation also provides details regarding the full scope of delivery.
• Operating instructions for the electric motor.
• Operating instructions for devices or equipment that were installed or in-
cluded (e.g. FC or isolation switch).
• Manufacturer’s electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) guideline, if the fan is
intended for operation with a frequency converter (FC).
These operating instructions are protected by copyright.
© COLASIT AG. All rights reserved.
The use and distribution of the operating instructions is permitted in the context
of using the fan. Any other use is only permitted with the written consent of the