2 | Additional safety instructions
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Operating instructions CMVpro 125-400 | Version 1-en
• operate the fan at a negative pressure,
• or use a hub seal.
• The fan must be equipped with vibration absorbers
• Observe the permissible vibration limits according to standard values.
• The fan may not be mechanically stressed at the inlet and outlet connec-
• Decouple the ductwork from the fan via the sleeves
• When using a frequency converter,
• observe limit values for the acceleration time and braking time
• the electrical connection to the motor is to be EMC compliant, with ca-
ble shield and grounding
• Series or parallel operation of fans is permitted only after clarification and
approval by the manufacturer or importer named in the operating instruc-
Intended use also includes compliance with all safety regulations and guidelines
in these operating instructions.
Reasonably foreseeable misuse
Any use of the fan other than that for which it is intended or any other use is
considered misuse and can lead to dangerous situations. The manufacturer as-
sumes no responsibility for resulting injuries or material damage.
The following list of misuse is exemplary and not exhaustive.
• Operation of the fan in potentially explosive environments or with a
flammable, explosive conveyed medium.
• Operation of the fan outside the parameters and limit values specified in the
technical data sheet.
• Operation of the fan with prohibited conveyed media, such as solids and
• Operation of the fan in spite of strong vibration or with disturbances that cre-
ate an objectionable condition in terms of safety.
• Removal of components or tampering with components that ensure safe
and proper function of the fan (e.g. vibration absorbers, splinter protection,
sleeves, protective grid).
• Prohibited configurations of the frequency converter.
• Improperly conducted maintenance work.
• Failure to observe the required maintenance intervals.
• Deposits on the impeller resulting from a lack of or inadequate cleaning.
Imbalance and vibration caused by deposits damage the motor bear-
ings and impeller.
• Use of non-original spare parts.
• Unauthorized modifications or alterations to the fan without the written con-
sent of the manufacturer.