Additional safety instructions | 2
Operating instructions CMVpro 125-400 | Version 1-en
13 / 76
• Ensure that all manufacturer’s regulations are observed upon retrofitting of
• Determine the priority of shutting down the fan upon system malfunction or
in an emergency.
• Clearly determine and regulate the responsibility for installation, servicing,
maintenance, and repair of the fan.
• Ensure that the responsible qualified personnel
• have read and understood these operating instructions,
• have adequate occupational qualifications,
• are regularly trained in the dangers related to and measures to take
upon malfunction or in an emergency.
• Store these operating instructions and associated documents in their en-
tirety in legible condition in an identified location near the fan.
• Save and protect the electronic version of these operating instructions.
• Prepare the required protective equipment and direct the wearing of this
protective equipment by qualified personnel based on the operating and en-
vironmental conditions.
Transport personnel
The transport personnel are responsible for the transport of the fan to the instal-
lation location and for its removal for disposal at the end of its lifespan.
The transport personnel:
• Possess all necessary occupational knowledge, qualifications, and autho-
rizations for operating the necessary lifting and transport devices.
• Are trained in the proper application of lifting and load handling attach-
• Are knowledgeable of the safety and accident prevention guidelines and di-
rectives as well as recognized regulations of the technology applicable to
• Are authorized by the operator to perform transport operations.
Mounting personnel
Mounting personnel are responsible for the installation of the fan in the ventila-
tion system and for the subsequent placement in service. Removal of the fan for
disposal also falls in this area of responsibility.
• Mounting personnel consist exclusively of qualified technical specialists who
possess the necessary occupational experience, knowledge, and qualifica-
tions for mechanical and electrical work on the fan.
• The technical specialist is dependable when it comes to current safety and
accident prevention guidelines, directives, and recognized regulations of the
technology in their line of activity, and they are instructed by the operator.
• All work on the fan’s electrical components may only be carried out by elec-
• The fan may only be connected to the frequency converter by an electrician
• after its operating instructions have been read and understood,