Chiusa di Ginestreto PESARO (PU) - ITALY
Page 57 of 62
General Safety Precautions
The indications provided in this chapter MUST be complied with.
General safety precautions
Use, running, maintenance and repair of the machine by unskilled persons and/or
unapproved persons and/or persons who have not been authorised by the factory
overseer is strictly prohibited.
Do not climb on the machine.
Do not work on moving components.
Do not allow untrained and/or unauthorised persons to stand at a distance of less
than 1.2 m from the machine and from the working area.
Do not carry out repairs with the machine turned on or connected to the electric
power supply.
Never wear scarves, ties, loose clothing, bracelets, rings and anything else (belts,
cords, etc.) that might get caught up during machining operations.
Never tamper with and/or modify any system and/or structure.
Before carrying out any operation and/or using the machine always consult the
manual and follow the instructions provided carefully.
Obligations of the owner of the company in which the machine is used
All operations relating to running, programming, maintenance, repair must be
carried out by qualified staff who are authorised to do so by the company owner.
The owner of the company using the machine is required to train the
operator/operators, machine technician/s and staff on control and on how to carry
out the required maintenance operations.
This training must be carried out following the indications provided in the general
safety precautions in the strictest possible manner.
Furthermore, the following must be taken into account:
The relevant warnings, providing staff with detailed explanations of their meaning
and the consequences deriving from failure to comply with them;
The contents of this user manual;
Assembly and dismantling operations must only be carried out by qualified staff,
following all the operating procedures given in this user manual carefully.