Chromasens CD40127_R02 allPIXA_pro_User Manual.docx
8.3 Generating black (offset) reference
Creation of a black-level reference is only necessary during commissioning or if the gain
values are changed considerably.
You have three options to generate a black reference:
1) Create a black (offset) reference internally (see section 8.3.1Fehler! Verweisquelle
onnte nicht gefunden werden.)
Use this function if you want to perform offset correction directly inside the camera.
2) Use a stored black (offset) level reference image (see section 8.3.2)
Use this function if you have a stored black-level reference image on your hard disk.
3) Prepare camera to acquire a black (offset) reference (see section 8.3.3)
Use this function if you do not have a black-level reference image and want to generate a
black reference with an image acquisition software. You can directly perform an offset
correction after grabbing the black reference. The reference wizard guides you through
this process.
8.3.1 Create a black (offset) reference internally
Get the camera to the desired working point
Prepare the camera
Place a white reference in front of the camera
Check the lighting and focusing
Disable continuous white control
Save the parameters to the camera
Start the reference wizard
On the toolbar,click
Start reference wizard
Select reference type and image source
Black (offset) level reference
Create reference internally