All units should have the microprocessor soft-
ware upgraded to the latest production soft-
ware, provided for Carrier Transicold dealers on
the TransCentral site, except for those units
that are listed in the “Field Test Software” sec-
tion. For units listed in the “Field Test Software”
section, ensure the latest software for that unit
is installed.
Press the “=” key to load the software. The
MessageCenter will display “ENGINE AND MICRO
WILL STOP NOW” and the unit will shutdown. After
about 45 seconds the MessageCenter backlight will dim
and the message “INSTALLING PROGRAM
SOFTWARE” will be displayed.
The microprocessor will continue and complete the
software loading in accordance with the instructions
provided in Figure 5
5.4.3 Configuration PC Card
A configuration card may be loaded with Configuration
or maintenance files for download to the
microprocessor. The card may contain either type of file
however, only one may be loaded to the card at a time.
1. There can be a single complete DataLink
data recorder and microprocessor setup
placed on the card for setting up reefers.
This is simply called creating a
“Configuration Card”. Unit specific and time
sensitive data cannot be loaded to a
configuration card. This data includes:
model number, serial number, hour meter
readings, date and time. These
configurations must be set using the
keyboard or ReeferManager.
2. There can be certain individual
microprocessor settings placed on the card
for maintenance purposes. This is called
creating a “Maintenance Card”.
To load a file from the card into the microprocessor,
insert the card in accordance with the instructions
provided in Figure 5
Press the “=” key to load the file. The MessageCenter
will display “LOADING INFO” while the FILE is being
The microprocessor will continue and complete the
loading in accordance with the instructions provided in
Figure 5
5.4.4 Option PC Card
Option PC Cards allow installation of optional
programming into the microprocessor. Cards may be
purchased with five or ten “clicks”. Each “click” allows
downloading to an individual microprocessor. To
transfer data from the card to the microprocessor, insert
the card in accordance with the instructions provided in
Figure 5
Press the “=” key to load the option. The
MessageCenter will display “INSTALLING OPTION,
PLEASE WAIT” while the option is being installed.
The microprocessor will continue and complete the
software loading in accordance with the instructions
provided in Figure 5
CARD XX” message displayed at the end of the loading
process, the “XX” is the number of installs left on the
card. A “click” will not be removed from the card if it is
inserted into a microprocessor that already has the
option installed.
5.4.5 Download PC Card
Download PC cards allow coping of data from the
microprocessor DataLink data recorder to the card for
use with the Reports feature of ReeferManager. To copy
data from the microprocessor to the card, insert the card
in accordance with the instructions provided in
Figure 5
When copying data to the card the MessageCenter will
display COPING DATA - PLEASE WAIT”. When the
copy is complete, the MessageCenter will display
number or empty spaces remaining on the card.
Only a copy of the data will be written to the
card. The actual data will remain inside the
DataLink data recorder.
For complete instructions on working with the data using
the Reports program, refer to manual 62-10889.
5.5.1 Introduction
The ReeferManager & Reports program allows the user
to access and download data, using a computer, when
the unit is not running and without starting the eight-hour
DataLink data recorder timer. Using the computer will
provide additional programming and configuring
capabilities that will not be available through the keypad.
The DataLink data recorder may also be configured and
downloaded using the ReeferManager program.
For complete instructions on using ReeferManager &
Reports, refer to manual 62-10889.
For diagnoses of problems with the micropro-
cessor, DataLink data recorder downloading,
file analysis using Reports or use of PC cards,
refer to Section 9.6