*** imPortant stePs to Follow For monitoreD sYstems onlY ***
Please note: we stronGlY recommenD tHat YoU ensUre YoU HaVe sa amBUlance coVer
YoU Do not neeD to ProGram YoUr carealert smart Dialler
it Has alreaDY Been Done For YoU
steP 1:
insert BatterY
Remove back panel with screw driver supplied and insert battery. Battery can only fit one way,
Please take care when installing. Place back panel back into position once battery is installed.
steP 2:
attacH antenna anD Place it in an UPriGHt Position
steP 3:
Plug in power supply to the base station and place it in a suitable area in your home
where there is a power point. Plug in and wait for approximately 45 seconds so that
the mobile signal light stops flashing.
steP 4:
test your unit by pressing the 2 red buttons on your pendant together.
- Once you
activate your CareAlert, it will advise via the speaker that it is going to make an emergency call.
Once this call has been made, the monitoing centre will contact you via the base station. This
should occur within the first 2 minutes. Please advise the monitoring centre this was a test call.
This is a once off test only.
Please note: tHe Voice call From tHe monitorinG centre is
loUD. tHis is normal so it can Be HearD From anYwHere in tHe Home.
steP 5:
Once the monitoring centre has ended the call and hung up, then press the yellow button on your
press the yellow button after the monitoring centre has ended the call. Once you
press the yellow button the CareAlert will revert to standby mode and will send a restore code to
the monitoring centre.
iF YoU woUlD like a tecHnician to set UP YoUr carealert
smart Dialler on YoUr BeHalF, Go to www.careassist.com.aU
For a list oF tecHnicians in YoUr area. installation tecHnicians
Do not oFFer tecHnical sUPPort oVer tHe PHone.