storaGe oF ProPertY access keYs
The location of a home access key should be known to the attendee/s of an emergency call.
The CareAlert KeySafe Lock is an excellent product for securing your keys outside.
It locks around a gas meter pipe in a gas box; it can lock around an assist rail by the front door,
or around the grill of a security door etc. It is an excellent means of automating entry,
as the location of the safe and the pin number are divulged on the emergency message.
Please note the KeySafe Lock is NOT waterproof and needs to be located out of the weather.
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refer to following page for
KeySafe Lock Code Setting Instructions.
We recommend that you change the combination code of your Key Safe lock if it has been disclosed via your
recorded message to any outside sources. This is to protect your own security. Your recorded message will need
to be updated with the NEW combination Key Safe code after any change that may occur.