FreQUentlY askeD QUestions
Q: wHat is tHe ranGe oF tHe waterProoF
remote PenDant?
The waterproof remote pendant is a transmitter
operating on a frequency of 916MHz. Its range depends
on a number of environmental factors, however it will
generally function within and even beyond a 70 metre
radius of the Smart Dialler. In many cases it operates up
to 150 metres, making it suitable for providing excellent
coverage within the perimeters of even a relatively large
home and garden area.
Q: can i HaVe more tHan one remote PenDant
witH mY carealert smart Dialler?
Yes. You can have a maximum of 10 per dialler. When
you receive extra pendant/s you will need to follow the
pairing/learning instructions on page 14. To order go to
Q: will i neeD to re-ProGram tHe carealert
smart Dialler iF i lose Power?
No. The CareAlert Smart Dialler has EPROM technology
meaning that whatever you program into it, will remain,
even if power is lost or if the dialler is stored or taken to
other premises.
Q: How Does tHe carealert smartDialler know
tHat mY call For assistance Has Been liVe
answereD & not BY an answerinG macHine
or messaGe Bank serVice?
The CareAlert Smart Dialler has been especially designed
with a response feature that allows it to know whether
your call for assistance has been live answered or not.
The recipient of the call is asked to press the
*(Star Key)
“or 3 Key”
. This sends a signal to the Smart Dialler
which opens the 2-way communication feature and also
lets the Smart Dialler know that the call has been live
answered. Obviously, this signal will not be sent if the call
is answered by an automated answering system. If the
CareAlert Smart Dialler does not receive this
*(Star Key)
“or 3 key”
signal, it will continue to dial out to the next
number that has been stored.
Q: will i comPletelY own mY carealert Dialler
once i HaVe PUrcHaseD it oUtriGHt?
Yes, this dialler is yours.
Q: Has tHe carealert smart Dialler Been testeD
anD aPProVeD
For aUstralian / nZ stanDarDs?
Yes. This product has passed all the strict and rigorous
Australian and New Zealand standards including
AS/4607-1999, AS/NZS 60950:2000, AS/ACIF S002:2001,
AS/ACIF S004:2001. A full set of test reports and
compliance documentation is kept by Safety Electrical
Services Pty Ltd
Q: can i commUnicate witH tHe
Person tHat is in troUBle?
Yes, two way communication is possible over the loud
speaker and microphone system built into the Smart
Dialler. It is limited by how far the person needing help is
away from that room. It will also depend on the layout of
the home and its furnishings.
If the person needing help is outside and 2-way
communication cannot be established, the person who
called hangs up and a voice will be played saying “Your
call for help has been answered please wait patiently for
help to arrive”. This will be followed by five chimes. These
chimes can be heard outside the house if one listens for
There is no communication via the pendant.
This message as well as the chimes are repeated twice.
Q: is tHe carealert smart Dialler onlY For tHe
elDerlY liVinG on tHeir own?
No the applications for using the CareAlert Smart Dialler
vary greatly. For a detailed look at these different
applications please go to carealert.com.au
Q: How Do triPle Zero (000) know to
senD an amBUlance anD
How Do tHeY know tHe aDDress?
The pre-recorded message that you place on the dialler
mentions your name and address and the fact that you
have pressed your CareAlert button. As soon as Triple
Zero operatives hear the Company name of CareAlert
they know that an ambulance is to be sent immediately
to the address stated in the prerecorded message. They
also have CLI (Call Line Identifier) software and know
the location of the caller. The CareAlert Smart Dialler is
designed for Ambulance Only NOT Police or Fire Brigade.
Q: How Do i know iF mY PenDant BatterY
reQUires rePlacement?
The pendant battery is a 3 Volt Button Battery CR2032