available at most supermarkets. We recommend that
they should be replaced every 2 years; they will however
continue many more years in most instances. You can
press the yellow centre button (Local Nurse Call Button)
on the pendant and you will see a purple light flash on
the pendant and also hear a loud chime coming over the
loud speaker of the dialler indicating that your battery is
communicating Ok with the dialler. If battery is low you’ll
hear a recorded message saying: “Your pendant battery is
low please change the battery”.
Q: wHat HaPPens in tHe eVent oF a Power FailUre
to mY Premises?
The dialler has a 6V rechargeable battery backup which
usually lasts for some hours and will permit dialing for
help during a power blackout. When the power is restored
the battery is recharged automatically back to full charge
by the dialler ready for the next power failure. This battery
should be replaced every 2 years.
Q: is it saFe to wear tHe PenDant iF i HaVe a
Yes, the pendant has no electromagnetic field that affects a
pacemaker and when activated sends a 916MHZ signal at
a very low power rate which will not affect the pacemaker.
If you still have doubts then please give these stats to your
cardiologist to receive confirmation.
Q: can tHe PenDant Be worn as a wrist BUtton?
Yes, we provide in the standard pack both a necklace and
wristband and you choose which you wish to attached to the
button. The necklace is a stainless steel chain and the wrist
band is Velcro with a chrome buckle.
Q: can tHe necklace anD wrist straP Be
Yes you can go online to www.carealert.com.au and
order under accessories.
Q: wHat iF tHe First Person on tHe Dialler is
awaY on HoliDaYs?
The Smart Dialler will dial that number and even if it
should go to message bank our dialler will then dial on
to the next number you placed in its memory. It does
not take message bank as a live answer but plays the
pre-recorded help message onto the message bank of the
person on holiday and then dials on.
It will continue to cycle through all numbers programmed
in sequential order twice, however once a live call has
been answered and responds with the appropriate key
then the dialler will cease to dial any more numbers.
You can change numbers and the message in the dialler
whenever you desire.
Q: is a lanD line reQUireD For tHe carealert to
oPerate or will it work witH a moBile?
No. The CareAlert Smart Dialler can successfully operate
via a fixed landline, NBN or on the mobile network via a
SIM card - Refer to
for details
on this product.
Q: is it easY to acciDentallY actiVate tHe
PenDant BY leaninG on tHe BUtton?
No, our pendant is unique in that it requires simultaneous
pressure on the two red buttons on the sides of the
pendant. This is a design feature to prevent accidental
ambulance call out which is an issue with many other
single button pendants.
Q: i HaVe a wall PHone HiGH UP in tHe kitcHen
– can tHe carealert still Be connecteD to it?
Yes it can. It does however mean that two cables will
be seen joining the phone with the Dialler on the bench
below or mounted on the wall nearby. If you have another
phone port elsewhere it may be preferable to use that
so that the telecom cables cannot be seen. It is purely a
matter of aesthetics.
Q: will a caller iD DisPlaY on mY PHone wHen tHe
User actiVates tHeir BUtton For HelP?
Yes, provided they do not have a blocked number. The
Smart dialler will call using the standard number at that
location. You will also need to save the mobile number of
the sim card for this function to work if the emergency call
comes via the mobile network.
Q: wHen i no lonGer HaVe a neeD For tHe
carealert How Do i De-commission it anD
wHat Do i Do witH it.?
The CareAlert Smart Dialler system belongs to you. So you
can give it to other family members, or to an institution
like the Lions Club who will ensure it finds a home with
someone in need. In any case you can prepare your
Smart Dialler for use by someone else by following the
programming steps on page 9