PenDant Distance
This system uses a strong frequency to maximise the operating distance between pendant and the main
Dialler. During general factory testing it exceeded 150+ metres, however this operational distance can vary
due to the type of building construction the dialler is operating in and if there are any other contributing
electronic signals that could cause the pendant to dialler signal to be impeded. This type of variation is
normal for all radio frequency controlled devices.
sim carD oPeration
At the time of writing this manual, the mobile carrier we will use utilises the Optus network.
Provided you have an available Optus signal in your area then the operation of your CareAlert Smart
Dialler will function as per normal. CareAlert have alternative SIM Card Options if you require.
CareAlert reserves the right to change the mobile service provider that we use at any time.
You can of course use your own mobile sim service provider but please be aware of the select frequencies
(900/2100MHz) that our system works on. Ensure that you purchase the appropriate sim card for use.
if you do not want nBn please call us for alternative options.
2 waY commUnication
Two way communication is possible over the loud speaker and microphone system built into the
Smart Dialler. It is limited by how far the person needing help is away from the base station. This
feature can be activated during an emergency call simply by the receiver pressing the * (star) or 3 key.
If your Smart Dialler is operating on the mobile network, this form of communication can sometimes be
affected by the different frequencies that are used by different telcos. If you find that the star or 3 button
does not activate this feature then the emergency call may automatically proceed to the next programmed
number. The call and message will not be affected.
triPle Zero
One of the outstanding features that the CareAlert system has, is its ability to dial triple zero as a backup
emergency number should none of the others, whether they be your own personally programmed numbers
or even if the Monitoring Centre fails to receive your call. In Mobile sim mode it can even call triple zero if
you have no credit on your sim card or if it is damaged or even missing. Of course there will need to be some
form of available mobile signal in your area for this to function. Based on this excellent feature,
we strongly
recommend that you program triple Zero in as a final number to call.
wHat aBoUt YoUr Home PHone?
If you have chosen to connect your system to the NBN or landline your CareAlert Smart Dialler can make an
emergency call even if the home phone is in use or off the hook. For this function to operate correctly you
will require the master (main) phone to be plugged into the smart dialler and no other landline phones
connected in your house.
i Don’t HaVe a lanDline
If you do not have a Landline or NBN you can operate your system on the Mobile Network only. Please choose
a suitable SIM card for this operation. CareAlert have alternative SIM Card Options if you require.
Please note: iF YoU HaVe cHosen to actiVate a sim carD in YoUr name it is YoUr
resPonsiBilitY to coVer tHe costs oF toPPinG UP or renewinG tHe creDit on YoUr sim
carD wHicH sHoUlD Be Done BeFore YoUr sim carD comPletelY rUns oUt oF creDit.