an emerGencY sitUation - Please reaD careFUllY:
the following points will clearly summarize what should happen if your Dialler is activated.
Immediately a voice message will be heard from the Smart dialler saying: “This is an emergency
situation”, followed by several seconds of siren sound. This is repeated once more. The emergency call
will then begin. The receiver of this call will hear a voice message that says: “You are about to hear an
emergency call for help from a CareAlert Smart Dialler, please stay on the line”. This plays twice, followed
by your pre-recorded message for help. If the receiver of the call does not press the star or 3 key they will
hear; “To repeat the message please press 9, to start the two way communication please press star”. If
neither key is pressed the dialler immediately dials on.
If a message bank answering service responds, the CareAlert will play the help message so it is recorded
by the service but then it immediately dials on - it must receive a ‘live’ answer before it ceases dialling. It
determines the answer to be ‘live’ when the ‘star (*) or 3 key’ is pressed. If no Star or 3 Key is pressed it
will cycle sequentially through the phone numbers stored by you in the dialler memory. It will perform
this sequence twice through if it does not receive the necessary star (*) or 3 key signal from the receiver
of the emergency call. (see point 4 below).
If the call is ‘live’ answered and the receiver presses the star (*) or 3 key the dialler will open the 2-way
communication feature in-built within the dialler. This may allow 2-way communication between the
person in need and the receiver of the emergency call. Both parties will need to speak very loudly for
this communication to be effective. Please Note; the 2-way communication feature will only be effective
if the person in need is within a relatively close distance to the Smart Dialler. If no communication is
established, then the receiver of the call should take the necessary action to ensure the wellbeing of the
person who activated the emergency call.
the pendant is not a speaker.
It is important that the receiver of the call presses the star (*) or 3 key to try and communicate with the
person in need. By doing this the Smart Dialler will cease to dial any further numbers and will resume to
ready or standby mode. This action prevents the Dialler from continuing to seek further assistance from
more personnel which may confuse the situation. The Smart Dialler can however be re-activated at any
time by again pressing the red buttons on the Wireless Pendant.
When the message for help has been heard a comfort message will be played from the dialler. “Your
message has been sent and answered, please wait patiently for help to arrive” 3 loud chimes follow this
to indicate help is on the way to you. This message and the chime play twice over.
The LED display now shows 3 horizontal flashing bars to indicate that activation has taken place. This can
be reset by pressing the yellow pendant button or the LED display button. This simply
means that the Smart Dialler did receive a response from the receiver of the call. The
2-way communication feature is designed to DISCONNECT after 15 seconds of silence,
otherwise if you continue to talk communication will continue.
In the unlikely event of a power failure during an emergency, the Smart Dialler will continue to function
using the rechargeable battery as a power supply.
we recommenD YoU install a new BatterY
eVerY two Years.