My Pet's Brace
Main Office
Phone: 610-286-0018
Email: [email protected]
My Pet's Brace
Phone: 724-338-4889
Email: [email protected]
Thank you for helping your dog walk comfortably again by choosing a custom leg brace from My Pet's Brace
Please follow the instructions below and contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding your dog's
brace or progress.
Step 1
: Read and follow the Fit and Care Instructions below.
Step 2
: Watch the Hock Brace Fitting Tutorial video on our website at:
Step 3
: If you would like us to evaluate the fit of the brace, email pictures of your dog standing while wearing the
brace to [email protected]. Take the pictures at your dog's eye level with front, side and rear views.
Wearing Instructions
Unless otherwise instructed, use a gradual break-in schedule to allow the dog to become familiar with the
brace. Start with 2 hours on the first day and increase by an additional 1 hour per day as tolerated. These
do not have to be continuous hours and can be broken up into small segments. The dog should be
supervised during the break-in period.
The break-in schedule allows the dog to adjust to wearing the brace, builds their skin tolerance to
the brace and allows you to practice putting the brace on and taking the brace off.
If your dog has two hock braces, we typically recommend starting with the more severely injured leg. 5-7
days later, start the break-in schedule with the opposite brace (while continuing to wear the original
brace). If you were mailed your braces, please consult your veterinarian or rehab professional as to which
brace you should start first.
After the break-in period, wearing times should build up to 8-14 hours a day. Unless instructed otherwise
by your veterinarian or My Pet’s Brace, p
ut the brace on in the morning and take it off at night.
The dog should not wear the brace at night or when they are crated, unless specifically instructed to do so
by the veterinarian or rehabilitation professional.
Activity Level / Restrictions
For the first 2-3 weeks, take 2-3 short 10-15 minute walks per day.
Gradually increase walks as tolerated.
The brace can be worn while swimming. Apply a sock over the brace to cut down on drag. After the dog
is done swimming- take the brace off, rinse the brace off with fresh water if in salt water, thoroughly dry
the brace, the straps and the dog's leg. Re-powder the brace and then put the brace back on.
Cleaning the Brace
The brace is easily cleaned with a washcloth and mild soapy water. Make certain all soap residue is
removed and the brace and the dog's hair is completely dry before re-applying.
Remove hair/dirt from the Velcro with a wire brush, brushing in one direction on the hook portion only.
Hock Brace
Fit and Care Instructions