Settings for communication by the serial connection of controllers, etc.
Serial Port
Detail settings for the serial port.
Select either the [NU] protocol or [Standard Communication (Serial)] protocol to be used with the serial port.
Set to [None], if the serial port is not used.
To connect the Remote Camera Controller RC-IP100 by serial connection, set to [NU].
erial Port Connection Type]
Fixed to RS-422.
[Baud Rate (bps)]
Select the Baud Rate value.
When the [Protocol] is set to [NU], [Baud Rate (bps)] will not be displayed.
[Data Length (bit)]
Data length of serial communication is fixed at 8 bit.
tart Bit (bit)]
The length of the start bit is fixed at 1 bit.
top Bit (bit)]
The length of the stop bit is fixed at 1 bit.
The settings for the error detection code is fixed to None.
[System] > [Communication] > [External Connection