User Manual – Rev AJ
California Instruments
4.2.4 P
igure 4-8: PROGRAM Menu
1. by selecting the PROGRAM
2. by pressing the PROG key i
The PROGRAM menu is used to
the PROGRAM menu was selec
frequently used parameters are
PROGRAM 1 screen using the M
The following choices are available in the PROGRAM menus:
Entry Description
The PROGRAM menu is shown in Figure 4-8. It can be reached in one of two ways:
entry in the MENU screen and pressing the ENTER key
n the FUNCTION keypad
change output parameters. The most commonly used
parameters are all located in PROGRAM 1. The PREVIOUS SCREEN entry, when selected, will
return the user to the most recently selected menu. This is normally the MENU screen unless
ted using the PROG key on the FUNCTION keypad. Less
located in PROGRAM 2, which can be reached from the
ORE selection, or by pressing the PROGRAM key twice.
Programs the output voltage in Vrms while in AC mode or
absolute voltage when in DC mode. In DC mode, negative
values can be entered.
Programs the output frequency when in AC mode. If the unit is
in DC mode, the value for FREQ will be set to DC and cannot
be changed until AC mode is selected. When in AC mode, the
frequency can be changed from 16 Hz to 500 Hz. Values
entered that fall outside this range will generate a -200 RANGE
ERROR and will not be accepted.
Selects 150V, 300V or optional 400V range in AC mode and
200V or 400V range in DC mode. The actual range values may
be different depending on the configuration. The value of this
field can only be changed with the shuttle or the +/- key.
Sets the current limit value for the current detection system.
When the load current value exceeds the set current limit, a
fault condition is generated. The actual response of the AC
Source to a current limit fault is determined by the protection
mode selected in the CONFIGURATION menu. (CC = Constant
Current, CV = Constant Voltage).
Selects the phase angle between the external clock and the
output of the AC source. If the clock source is internal, this
parameter has no effect.
MX Series