To ensure that you can use your CS safely from day to day, pay particular
attention to the following information:
Never ride without a properly adjusted helmet and without glasses. Make
sure that you always wear suitable, bright clothing, as a minimum, how-
ever, straight cut trousers and/or trouser clips and shoes fitting the pedal
Traffic rules
Always ride carefully on public roads and observe the traffic rules so as not
to endanger yourself or others.
This manual cannot teach you how to ride a bicycle or how to ride a trans-
portation bike. Be aware that riding a transportation bike is a potentially
dangerous activity, especially on public roads. Therefore, you should always
be able to stay in control of your CS.
Fitness to ride
Make yourself familiar with your new CS. Riding a transportation bike
requires particularly good physical constitution, skill and caution. Practise
riding the CS unladen and without passengers in an area free of traffic until
you have your CS safely under control. Then load your CS with goods and
practise riding. Do not take passengers with you until you feel safe handling
the loaded CS.
As with almost any activity, you can get injured when riding a transportation
bike. When you set off on a transportation bike you should be aware of and
accept this risk.