Components and add-on parts
Let the CS bounce on the ground from a small height (Fig. 34). If there is
any rattling, check where it comes from. Check the bearings, the bolts and
the proper seat of the battery and the connector, if necessary.
Also check all add-on parts, such as the rear rack, the centre rack, the child
seat by trying to gently move the parts back and forth to check their tight
seat. If the parts are not tight, realign the components, if necessary and
gently tighten the bolts until they are fastened securely (Fig. 35). You find
the torque values on the components themselves, in the chapter
ommended torque values”
or in the possibly enclosed instructions of the
component manufacturers.
Fig. 35
Fig. 34
Participation in road traffic
If you want to ride on public roads, make sure that your CS is equipped
according to the regulations of your country. Riding without lights and
reflectors in poor visibility and in the dark is very dangerous. You will be
seen too late or not at all by other road users. If you ride on public roads,
you always need an approved lighting system. Switch on the light as soon
as it gets dark.
For more information see the chapter
“Legal requirements for riding on
public roads“