Saddle and handlebar
Are both saddle and handlebar properly adjusted? The saddle should be
set to a height from which you can just reach the pedal in its lowest posi-
tion with your heel (Fig. 21). Check that you can safely reach the floor from
the saddle with both feet (Fig. 22).
Fig. 22
Fig. 21
Your Ca Go dealer helps you when you have problems with your sitting
position. For more information see the chapter
“Adjusting the CS to the
rider/sitting position”
When getting off and in emergency situations you must have a safe stand
from the saddle as well and be able to stabilise the CS. This applies in par-
ticular when taking cargo and/or passengers with you.
When installing step-in pedals on your CS: Do not set off until you have
practised engaging and disengaging the shoes from the pedals at stand-
still. Ask your Ca Go dealer to explain the pedals to you.