Recommended Ages 3 - 6 years old
Maximum Weight: 80 lbs.
Assembly steps:
1. Unpack all parts and lay them out on a clean work space. Identify the components and compare to the drawing to be sure you
have all parts.
2. Locate (1) Main frame and (2) Seat back frame. Slide the seat back frame into the main frame and depress the silver buttons
while pushing the seat back frame further into the main frame. Push down until the silver buttons “pop” through the holes in
the main frame.
3. Wrap (3) seat around the support bar on the main frame, and secure the Velcro to the bottom of the seat. Be sure that the
Velcro strips are aligned well. Pinch the material together to secure the Velcro is completely engaged.
4. Insert (4) Steering wheel into steer tube so that the “Minimum Insertion” mark is completely covered. Align the steering wheel
with the front wheel, and tighten the clamp bolt securely with a 13mm wrench.
To ride the Slalom racer:
1. Stand with both feet on the floor on either side of the slalom racer. Sit down first, then place feet on the front foot supports.
Do not attempt to put your feet on until after you are sitting.
2. Turn the steering wheel back and forth to get moving. If you appear to be going backwards, rotate the steering wheel 180
degrees (half way around) and try again.
3. As you turn the steering wheel back and forth, you will become more efficient and start to move faster. You can also steer,
and go backwards as needed, just by turning the steering wheel more or less. Note that this is similar to learning to swing
higher and higher on a swing set; as you improve the timing of turning the steering wheel back, your acceleration will improve.
Parts list:
1. Main frame assembly
2. Seat back frame
3. Seat
4. Steering wheel
Wheels have sealed bearing hubs. The axles can be lubricated with Triflow® or another oil based lubricant.
Before Each Use:
Check all bolts to ensure they are tight, taking care not to over tighten the bolts.
Riding Your Slalom Racer:
1. Children should always wear a properly fitted helmet that complies with US Consumer Product Safety Commission
(CPSC) standard 16CFR 1203, Knee pads and other protective equipment.
2. Do not ride at night.
3. Do not ride in wet conditions.
4. Do not ride on rough surfaces.
5. Avoid traffic and pedestrians.
6. Do not ride on steep hills.
7. Children should use product under adult supervision.
8. Allow only 1 rider.
9. Never use near simming pools.
10. Always wear shoes when riding tricycle.
(1) Main Frame Assembly
(4) Steering Wheel
(2) Seat Back Frame
(3) Seat