Local Management: Overview, Setup, and Navigation
Flash Download Configuration Screen Fields
The following information briefly explains each Flash Download Configuration
Screen field.
Download Method (Selectable)
This field indicates the download or upload method used by the device, and can
be one of the following:
RUNTIME - The module attempts a TFTP download based on the IP address
and the file name entered in the fields at the bottom of the Flash Download
Configuration Screen. With the RUNTIME method, these additional fields are
Download Server IP (Modifiable) - This field is used to select the IP address
of the TFTP server to be used for the Flash download.
Download File Name (Modifiable) - This field is used to select the complete
TFTP server path and file name of the new image.
DOWNLOAD CONFIG - Saves all NVRAM parameters to a specified
download server that can be accessed later using the UPLOAD CONFIG
option. With the DOWNLOAD CONFIG method, these additional fields are
Configuration Server IP (Modifiable) - This field is used to select the IP
address of the Configuration server to be used for the Flash download.
Configuration File Name (Modifiable) - This field is used to select the
complete Configuration server path and file name of the new image.
UPLOAD CONFIG - Sends NVRAM parameters back to the module. To use the
UPLOAD CONFIG option, a user must first assign an IP address to the
module. With the UPLOAD CONFIG method, these additional fields are
Configuration Server IP (Modifiable) - This field is used to select the IP
address of the Configuration server to be used for the upload.
Configuration File Name (Modifiable) - This field is used to select the
complete Configuration server path and file name of the new image.