Local Management: Overview, Setup, and Navigation
Management Terminal Setup
Use one of the following systems to access Local Management:
An IBM or compatible PC running a VT-series emulation software package
A Digital Equipment Corporation VT100-type terminal
A VT-type terminal running emulation programs for the Digital Equipment
Corporation VT100 series
A remote VT100-type terminal via a modem connection
In-band via a Telnet connection
Console Cable Connection
Use the Console Cable Kit provided with the chassis to attach the management
terminal to the COM port.
Connect an IBM PC or compatible device, running the VT terminal emulation, to
the module as follows:
1. Connect the RJ45 connector at one end of the cable (supplied in the kit) to the
COM port on the module.
2. Plug the RJ45 connector at the other end of the cable into the RJ45-to-DB9
adapter (supplied in the kit).
3. Connect the RJ45-to-DB9 adapter to the PC communications port.
If using a modem between the VT-compatible device and the COM port of the
module, use the appropriate connector included in the management cable kit.
Refer to the modem manufacturer’s information for proper operation and setup of
the modem.