Local Management: Overview, Setup, and Navigation
Module Password Screen
The Module Password Screen, Figure 3, controls access to Local Management.
Whenever a user connects to a module, the Module Password Screen displays.
Before continuing, a user must enter a password (community name), which is
compared to the previously-stored passwords. The level of access allowed a user
depends on the password.
A user’s password is one of the community names specified in the SNMP
Community Names Configuration Screen. Access to certain Local Management
capabilities depends on the degree of access accorded that community name.
Figure 3. Module Password Screen
If a user enters an invalid password, the terminal beeps and the cursor returns to
the beginning of the password entry field.
Entering a valid password causes the associated access level to display at the
bottom of the screen and the Device Menu Screen to display.
If no activity occurs for several minutes, the Local Management Password Screen
redisplays and the password has to be reentered.
SmartSwitch 9000 Local Management
Cabletron Systems, Incorporated
P.O. Box 5005
Rochester, N.H. 03866-5005 USA
(603) 332-9400
(c) Copyright CABLETRON Systems, Inc. 1997
Module Serial Number: 1234567890AB
Module Hardware Revision: 12A
Module Firmware Revision: 00.00.00
Module BOOTPROM Revision: 00.00.00
Enter Password