Chapter 7 BitTorrent
Downloading Files Using BitTorrent
This procedure is intended for users who are familiar with BitTorrent. Use of BitTorrent is recommended only for
users who are suffi
ciently knowledgeable about it.
What is BitTorrent?
BitTorrent refers to a protocol for fi le sharing systems that uses a P2P (peer-to-peer) network and to fi le sharing software
(P2P software) that uses this protocol.
It diff ers from conventional fi le sharing software in the following ways.
Because the fi le is distributed over the network, large fi les can be downloaded at high speeds without concentrating
It has no anonymity, so it is easy to fi nd out who has what types of fi les available.
BitTorrent may not be used for distributing copyrighted video and audio without the permission of the copyright
BitTorrent web site
How It Works
First, you download a torrent or torrents from an Internet search site.
• Torrents are fi les with extension ".torrent" that contain information allowing you to download a specifi c set of fi les.
• Torrents can be downloaded from web sites operated by individuals or from the web site of BitTorrent, Inc. (U.S.). Be sure to
follow the web site guidelines for the terms of use, copyrights, and other details for the torrent information.
The torrent is sent to the server known as the "tracker", giving it information about the terminals that have the fi le.
The download is started based on the information received from the "tracker" server.