If the name entered already exists in the directory, an error message will
be shown.
If the directory name has more than 30 characters and this directory is in
the directory system of the NC core, an error message will be shown.
The root directory cannot be renamed!
In the case of a multiple selection directories cannot be renamed.
With this function the currently selected directory is taken over in the clipboard.
This function is required for the function "Insert (Directory)". Only if an element
of the type "Directory" is contained in the clipboard, the function "Insert (Direc‐
tory)" will be activated and can be selected by the user.
Every new copying process causes the current content of the clipboard to be
The "root" directory cannot be copied!
The return mark cannot be copied!
A multiple selection of directories in the list is possible.
This function requires an element of the type "Directory" in the clipboard. Only
in this case this function is active and can be executed by the user.
As soon as the function has been selected, the program determines the source
directory from the clipboard and copies the latter with all its subdirectories and
files in the currently selected target directory.
If a subdirectory with the same name of the directory to be copied already exists
in the target directory, the user will have to decide by means of a dialogue box
whether the current directory is to be overwritten or whether the inserting proc‐
ess is to be cancelled.
When inserting a directory with more than 30 characters from the Windows file
system into the file system of the NC core, an error message will occur.
Basic function like "Copy"!
In addition, the source directory is deleted after it has been inserted in another
directory via the function "Insert (Directory)".
File Functions
These are functions which can only be used for files. This function will only be
possible, if one or several files are selected in the list. In the case of multiple
selection some functions are not possible!
File functions are only possible in the context "Program" or in the
IndraWorks Engineering.
This allows for creating a new file of a certain type. The following types are
NC programs
NC variables list
D corrections
Zero points
Text file
After selection of one of these types the corresponding editor will be started
automatically; it is used to create and edit the file.
Application Description | Rexroth IndraMotion MTX 09VRS
Electric Drives
and Controls
| Bosch Rexroth AG
General Operation and Visualization