Revision 1.00 / LB-1070 – NeuroPort Biopotential Signal Processing System IFU
© 2021 Blackrock Microsystems, LLC
Remotely Control Data Recording
Central software can be configured to start and stop recording when triggered by a
digital input coming from other hardware, such as a behavioral control system. When
using the TOC file format, the recording can be remotely started, stopped, resumed, or a
new session can be initiated. When using the2.x file format, the recording can be
remotely started, stopped, paused, and resumed. To setup remote recording using the
DB-9 serial port or DB-37 digital input port do the following:
1. Open the File Storage app, check the Remote Recording box, and click Setup.
2. Select Digital Bit Input for any of the four remotely controllable tasks.
3. On the second column choose a bit to be used for this function.
4. On the third column choose high or low for triggering.
5. For example, to remotely begin recording when digital bit 3 on the digital input
port is set high, configure as shown below.
Visualize an Input Channel on the Digital
The Digital Oscilloscope enables you to visualize two channels at high resolution.
Setting a trigger can improve visualization of signals. To setup the oscilloscope, follow
the instructions below.
1. Open Central and in the main window click the Oscilloscope.
2. Enable Trace 1 and/or Trace 2.
3. Select a channel for each trace from the drop-down menu.
4. Click on Settings to verify all channel settings. Make sure a sampling rate is
selected for the given channel. If <none> is selected for sampling rate then a
trace will not appear in the Oscilloscope.
5. Set the amplitude of each trace by changing the slider bar for each channel. The
upper slider modifies the range of values and the lower slider selects a value
within the selected range. The units are µV/division.
6. Move the trace location up or down by dragging the small triangle on the left of
the trace.
7. Set the time resolution by changing the resolution slider bar. The upper slider
modifies the range of values and the lower slider selects a value within the
selected range. The highest resolution is 0.1 milliseconds.
8. A trigger can be set for the traces.
i. Choose a channel source for the trigger.
ii. You can set the trigger level by entering a voltage value in the field or by
sliding the trigger line up and down on the display.
Figure 49–Example Settings for Remote Recording