Revision 1.00 / LB-1070 – NeuroPort Biopotential Signal Processing System IFU
© 2021 Blackrock Microsystems, LLC
What This Manual Covers
The NeuroPort Biopotential Signal Processing System (NeuroPort System) is designed to
record and process neural signals from up to 256 surface or penetrating electrodes in addition
to auxiliary analog signals and digital experimental events. The system can acquire a variety of
biopotential signal types including electrocorticography, electroencephalography, and
electromyography. The system can perform real-time signal processing algorithms on neural
signals, including noise cancellation, digital filtering, simultaneous extraction of spike and field
potentials, and manual and automatic online spike sorting.
The NeuroPort Biopotential Signal Processing System is not a monitoring system. No
physiological alarms are provided. The acquisition and display of biopotential signals is for the
interpretation and use of the clinician.
Intended Use/Indications for Use
The Blackrock NeuroPort Biopotential Signal Processing System supports recording, processing
and displaying biopotential signals from various types of electrodes. Biopotential signals may
include Electrocorticography (ECoG), electroencephalography (EEG), electromyography (EMG),
electrocardiography (ECG), electrooculography (EOC) action potentials (AP), and evoked
potentials (EP).