Revision 1.00 / LB-1070 – NeuroPort Biopotential Signal Processing System IFU
© 2021 Blackrock Microsystems, LLC
6. Click on the define button for a unit. A series of colored boxes will appear
on the spike panel in the lower right corner.
7. Drag each colored box out of its place and an amplitude band will appear.
8. Place the band so that it intersects spikes to be classified in this unit.
9. Four bands may be placed for each unit classification.
10. Five individual units may be defined on each channel.
: To save Hoops sorting rules in Central, click
File > Save System
To load Hoops sorting rules, click
File > Load System
Manual PCA
1. Open the Hardware Configuration window and select channels of interest.
2. Right click and choose Properties or click on the “Properties” icon.
3. Choose “Manual PCA” from the spike sorting drop down menu.
4. Open Single Neural Channel and select the desired channel.
5. Make sure the unit icon is pressed down so you can see the units
6. Click on the Feature tab.
7. Click on Build PCA. By default the program needs 250 waveforms to build
the PCA basis vectors. The time required to record 250 waveforms will
depend on your spike rates and may take several minutes. You can
Figure 46–PCA Space