Revision 1.00 / LB-1070 – NeuroPort Biopotential Signal Processing System IFU
© 2021 Blackrock Microsystems, LLC
Central can be run from the desktop shortcut, the Start menu shortcut, or by navigating to the
executable in the Blackrock Microsystems directory in Program Files. The Central main
application connects to a Blackrock Neural Signal Processor to configure hardware channels
and acquire data. Incoming data can be processed and visualized in various ways before being
saved for future analysis.
Central Main Window
The Central Main
window provides access to all functions,
features, and settings within the Central Software Suite.
Hardware Configuration
contains individual channel
configurations as well as system settings. The main panel
displays channels in icon or list view as selected in the tool
bar. Double clicking selected channels will open the
channel properties window for editing. Channels are
filtered by clicking the categories listed on the left pane of
the window. Additional settings are found under the
Settings heading at the bottom of the left pane.
Spike Panel
displays detected spikes on the front-end
amplifier channels in a grid-graph form and is often the
fastest way to visualize overall system function. If spike-
sorting rules are defined, the spikes belonging to different
units will be displayed in different colors. Double click any
channel to display the Single Neural Channel Window.
Raster Plot
displays the occurrence of spike events on
many channels over time. All channel types may be shown
in this window. Continuous traces and comments can also
be shown on the plot.
Single Neural Channel
displays the selected channel in a
continuous data trace, strip chart, and waves panel. Use
this window to define spike sorting rules and to view single
channel activity.
Activity Map
color codes the firing rate of neurons recorded by each electrode on a two-
dimensional grid. An electrode map file dictates the spatial arrangement of channels.
Use this window to quickly visualize spike rates over all channels.
File Storage
contains the controls to start and stop recording. Additional settings, such
as file type, name and path may be edited here.
Signal to Noise Ratio
displays the ratio of signal to noise for each channel. Use this
window to view and record valuable information about signal quality and electrode
Neural Modulation
displays a histogram of changes in firing frequency over time. Use
this window to see which channels are recording from neurons with variable firing rates.
Figure 12–Central Main Application