Revision 1.00 / LB-1070 – NeuroPort Biopotential Signal Processing System IFU
© 2021 Blackrock Microsystems, LLC
Blackrock sells accessories for use with the system. Primarily, these include headstages for
interfacing the patient contacting electrodes to the system.
The high input impedance and low bias current of the Amplifier inputs make it possible to
connect microelectrodes with 20 kΩ (at 1kHz) or lower impedance values directly to the
Amplifier inputs without the need for a headstage. This configuration has the advantage
of avoiding noise added to the signals by the headstage, but it makes the application
more susceptible to environmental electromagnetic noise. To minimize environmental
noise, it is recommended to keep direct electrode connections shorter than 20 cm (8
inches). For longer connections, headstages from Blackrock Microsystems are
recommended. Headstages allow microelectrodes with impedances up to 5-MΩ (at
1kHz), and cables up to 6 feet in length.
Which analog headstage to select is dependent on the connector type on the electrodes.
These connector types and the selection process is not explained here, but is explained
in the contents of the instructions for use for each headstage. The currently available
analog headstages include:
Splitter Box
Patient Cable
Digital Neural Signal Simulator (DNSS)
The Digital Neural Signal Simulator (DNSS) supplies simulated field potentials and
action potentials (spikes) as well as sine waves at different frequencies. It can be used
to test a recording system in lieu of being connected to a subject.
Figure 11–Digital Neural Signal Simulator