Related topics
Assigning BlackBerry devices to user accounts, 79
Managing administrator accounts, 240
Add an administrator account to a group
When you add an administrator account to one or more groups, you can manage role permissions at a group level
instead of at an individual level. If you use groups to manage administrator roles and administrator accounts in your
organization's environment, you can add multiple administrator accounts to specific groups and assign the
appropriate roles to each group.
Note: If you add a role to a group, all accounts in the group become administrator accounts and have all of the
permissions that are assigned to that role, even if the accounts are user accounts for BlackBerry® device users.
1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the BlackBerry solution management menu, expand User.
2. Click Manage users.
3. Search for an administrator account.
4. In the search results, click the display name for the administrator account.
5. Click Edit user.
6. On the Groups tab, in the Available groups list, click the group that you want to add the administrator account
7. Click Add.
8. Click Save all.
Related topics
Create a group to manage similar user accounts, 72
Specify an email address for the BlackBerry Administration
You can specify the email address that the BlackBerry® Administration Service sends BlackBerry® Enterprise Server
system messages or activation passwords from.
Before you begin: Create an email account on your organization's messaging server.
1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the Devices menu, expand Wireless activations.
2. Click Device activation settings.
3. Click Edit activation settings.
4. In the Sender address field, type the email address that you want the BlackBerry Administration Service to send
system messages or activation passwords from.
5. Click Save all.
Administration Guide
Add an administrator account to a group