2. On the Mobile Data Service tab, configure the key store information. Only one key store can exist. The file must
be named webserver.keystore and it must be located at <drive>:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry
Enterprise Server\MDS\webserver.
3. Click Create Keystore File.
4. If prompted to overwrite a key store, click Yes.
5. Click OK.
Add a certificate for the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service
To permit server-side push applications to open trusted HTTPS connections to a BlackBerry® MDS Connection Service
and push application data and application updates to BlackBerry devices, you must add a certificate for the BlackBerry
MDS Connection Service to the webserver.keystore file.
1. On the computer that hosts the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service, navigate to <drive>:\Program Files\Java
2. At the command prompt, perform one of the following tasks:
Create a self-signed certificate for the BlackBerry MDS
Connection Service and add it to the key store.
Type keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -
keystore webserver.keystore.
Type the required information.
To confirm the information that you typed, type Yes.
Add a publicly signed certificate to the key store.
Type keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file
<trustedserver.cer> -keystore webserver.keystore.
Type the key store password.
When prompted, click Yes.
3. Copy the key store file to <drive>:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\MDS
After you finish: Export the certificate for the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service to make it available to other
Export the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service certificate to make it
available to push applications
You must export the certificate for the BlackBerry® MDS Connection Service so that you can import it to the key store
of a server-side push application.
Before you begin: Add a self-signed or publicly signed certificate for the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service to the
key store.
1. On the computer that hosts the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service, navigate to <drive>:\Program Files\Java
Administration Guide
Permitting push applications to make trusted connections to a BlackBerry MDS Connection Service