2. Click Manage deployment jobs.
3. Search for a job.
4. In the search results, click the ID of the appropriate job.
5. Click Edit job.
6. On the BlackBerry Device Software Distribution tab, perform any of the following tasks:
Change the recurrence day for
installing, updating, or removing
BlackBerry Device Software.
a. Click the Edit icon for the recurrence day.
b. In the Scheduled deployment day(s) drop-down list, click the
appropriate recurrence option. If necessary, click the number of
recurrence days.
In the Start time drop-down list, click the appropriate option. If
necessary, change the start time and end time.
d. Click the Update icon.
By default, the recurrence day is Every day and the start time is All day.
Add a new recurrence day for
installing, updating, or removing
BlackBerry Device Software.
To add more than one recurrence day, the schedules for the separate
recurrence days cannot overlap.
a. In the Scheduled deployment day(s) drop-down list, click the
appropriate recurrence option. If necessary, click the recurrence
b. In the Start time drop-down list, click the appropriate recurrence
option. If necessary, change the start time and end time.
Click the Add icon.
7. To turn on throttling for all BlackBerry Device Software tasks in jobs, in the Default throttling enablement for
all BlackBerry Device Software tasks in each job in a time window section, click Enabled to reduce load on
8. If necessary, in the Default throttling for all BlackBerry Device Software tasks in each job in a time window
section, in the Maximum number of simultaneous tasks per BlackBerry Administration Service instance field,
type the maximum number of BlackBerry Device Software tasks in the job that you want the BlackBerry®
Enterprise Server to process at the same time.
The default value is 25.
9. If necessary, in the Total number of tasks per time window per BlackBerry Administration Service instance
field, type the total number of BlackBerry Device Software tasks in the job that you want the BlackBerry
Enterprise Server to process during each processing interval.
The default value is 150.
10. Click Save all.
Administration Guide
Managing the distribution settings for a specific job