Synchronizing folders on the BlackBerry device
Control which published public contact folders a user can synchronize to a
BlackBerry device
By default, a user can synchronize contacts from all of the published public contact folders on the messaging server
with the contact lists on a BlackBerry® device. To help manage network resources, you can select the published public
contact folders that a user can synchronize.
1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the BlackBerry solution management menu, expand User.
2. Click Manage users.
3. Search for a user account.
4. In the search results, click the display name for the user account.
5. Click Edit user.
6. In the Messaging configuration section, click the device configuration name.
7. On the Email tab, in the Published public contact folders section, select the check box beside each public address
book that you want to permit the user to synchronize with the contact lists on the BlackBerry device.
8. Click Continue to user information edit.
9. Click Save all.
Control which personal contact subfolders a user can synchronize to a
BlackBerry device
By default, a user can synchronize all of the personal contact subfolders on the messaging server with the contact
lists on the BlackBerry® device. To help manage network resources, you can select the personal contact subfolders
that a user can synchronize.
1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the BlackBerry solution management menu, expand User.
2. Click Manage users.
3. Search for a user account.
4. Click the display name for the user account.
5. Click Edit User.
6. In the Messaging configuration section, click Device configuration.
7. On the Email tab, in the Private contact folders section, select the private contact subfolders that you want to
permit the user to synchronize with the contact lists on the BlackBerry device.
8. Click Continue to user information edit.
9. Click Save all.
Administration Guide
Synchronizing folders on the BlackBerry device