Change the maximum file size for attachments that users can send
By default, the maximum file size of a single attachment that users can send is 3072 KB, and the maximum file size
of multiple attachments that BlackBerry® devices can send in a single email message is 5120 KB.
1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the Servers and components menu, expand BlackBerry Solution
topology > BlackBerry Domain > Component view > Email.
2. Click the instance that you want to change.
3. Click Edit instance.
4. On the Messaging tab, in the Messaging options section, perform any of the following actions:
• To change the maximum file size for a single attachment that BlackBerry devices can send, in the Maximum
single attachment upload size (KB) field, type a number that is between 1 and 3072 KB.
• To change the maximum file size of multiple attachments that BlackBerry devices can send at one time, in
the Maximum multiple attachment upload size (KB) field, type a number that is between 1 and 5120 KB that
is greater than the value in the Maximum single attachment upload size (KB) field.
5. Click Save all.
Related topics
Restarting BlackBerry Enterprise Server components, 327
Prevent users from sending large attachments
If you prevent users from sending large attachments, they can only send specific attachments, such as certificates
and contact list entries, that are less than a single packet.
1. In the BlackBerry® Administration Service, on the Servers and components menu, expand BlackBerry Solution
topology > BlackBerry Domain > Component view > Email.
2. Click the instance that you want to change.
3. Click Edit instance.
4. On the Messaging tab, in the Messaging options section, in the Maximum single attachment upload size (KB)
field, type 0.
5. Click Save all.
Change the maximum file size of attachments that users can download
On BlackBerry® devices that are running specific versions of the BlackBerry® Device Software, users can download
attachments in native formats (for example, .txt for a text file) to their BlackBerry devices. Users can open and make
changes to the files that they download using an appropriate third-party application on their BlackBerry devices. A
user might be able to open specific file formats using the media application on the BlackBerry device.
The default maximum file size of attachments that users can download to their BlackBerry devices is 3072 KB (3 MB).
1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the Servers and components menu, expand BlackBerry Solution
topology > BlackBerry Domain > Component view > Email.
Administration Guide
Changing how the BlackBerry Messaging Agent reconciles attachments to the messaging server