TX/CX 4000
5.7 Twinax Drive
For installations using twinax
cabling, set the Star Panel Overdrive
option to OFF (Front Panel: Twinax
Drive; Host/PC download command
If you have problems with
dropping off-line when using a
passive star panel and twisted-pair
cabling, set the Star Panel Overdrive
to ON. This increases the signal-
driving capability of the interface.
5.8 Serial Printing
When printing to a serial printer,
verify the current Serial Out settings:
baud rate, word length, stop bits,
and parity. The TX/CX 4000 does
not offer handshaking settings. The
TX/CX 4000 will send and receive
XON and XOFF for software
handshaking, as long as CTS is
present. The TX/CX 4000 will not
send or receive data without the
presence of CTS.
The same is true for a serial
connection to a PC, LAN printer
server, or other ASCII device. The
TX/CX 4000 will indicate to the PC,
LAN printer server, or other ASCII
device when it is ready to receive
data and when it isn’t, regardless of
what handshaking method the PC,
LAN printer server, or other ASCII
device is using.
5.9 Laser Printer Operation
The IBM 3812-1 printer is a laser-
type printer that provides font-
changing capability, plus text
rotation and compression features
called Computer Output Reduction
(COR) and Automatic Print
Orientation (APO).
The TX/CX 4000 emulation of
the 3812 provides bolding,
underlining, superscripts and
subscripts by recognizing the host
commands for these features in the
document. A shadow print for
bolding is performed automatically
on fixed-pitch fonts. For
proportionally spaced (typographic)
fonts, you must specify the font that
is to be printed.
Like a 5219, the 3812 is configured
with a default font ID on the host.
Configure the most commonly used
font as the system default, then
change as necessary with a printer
override or OCL command.