TX/CX 4000
7.4 Host Printing
The TX/CX 4000 will auto-detect
which host environment (coax or
twinax) to operate in by the cable
adapter plugged into the 9-pin host
connector. If no host cable adapter
is connected to the interface, the
front panel will display a message to
connect one.
Depending on the IBM printer
emulation selected, you will have
access to all the features of the IBM
printer the TX/CX 4000 is
emulating. The interface also needs
to be told which ASCII output
printer (command 60) to use to
convert EBCDIC data streams from
the host into the ASCII format the
printer can use.
In addition to the features of the
emulated IBM printer, ASCII
printers will often have other
capabilities, which you can take
advantage of using Command Pass-
7.5 Host Port Initialization
The TX/CX 4000 reconfigures the
printer according to the active coax
configuration settings after shared
printing. If you want to modify the
printer configuration further (for
example, select a different font for
all host printing) take advantage of
the host-port initialization string.
Unlike the Parallel and Serial
Shared Port Initialization Strings,
which are usually overridden by
commands coming with the
PC/LAN print job, the Host Port
Initialization String is not sent to the
printer until after the interface has
reconfigured the printer for host
printing. The initialization string is
sent at the beginning of each
printed page.
7.6 Connecting Two Printers
The TX/CX 4000 allows host print
jobs to be sent to two different
printers. Simply connect one printer
via the parallel port and the other
via the serial port to the interface.
Verify the Serial Out Settings. Switch
from one Printer Port to the other
by using the Host/PC download
command 66 or by changing the
printer-port settings through the
TX/CX 4000’s front panel.
It does not matter whether the
printer port is selected with or
without the initialization string. In
coax mode, the interface always
sends the host port initialization
string with each page.
7.7 Serial Printing
When printing to a serial printer,
verify the current Serial Out setting:
baud rate, word length, stop bits,
parity. The TX/CX 4000 does not
offer handshaking settings. Rather, it
automatically detects if the printer is
ready to receive data or not,