TX/CX 4000
Table 8-1. Error Messages (continued).
Error Message
Probable Cause
Parity Error
This error indicates
This indicates an
Detected or Parity
that the twinaxial
error in the parity
receiver detected a
generation by the
parity error on
twinaxial output, a
receiving polls or data.
malfunctioning of the
parity-checking circuit
of the twinaxial receiver,
or a poor cable
8.5 Solving Problems
The following is a general guide to
resolve common problems that may
occur. Please refer to this guide
before contacting technical support.
Table 8-2. Problem Resolution Guide.
Problem or Message
Probable Cause
“Printer not ready”
Printer not in a
Make sure printer is on
message at host
ready status
line, has paper, etc.
“No Sync” message
Host is not configured
Make sure the host is
on interface
for a printer at the
properly configured for
address specified
the printer
Configuration or address Make sure the host is
is incorrect
configured for the 3812-1
(non-IPDS) printer at the
proper address.