CHAPTER 4: Operation
4.3.5 T
The ID Window appears when you change channels and displays the name of the
selected channel. At the Channel Maintenance Menu (see
Section 4.3.4
), you can
individually configure the characteristics of this window for each channel in your
system if you are operating in nonsecure mode or if you are the system
4.3.5.A Changing the Size, Color and Position of the ID Window
Choose “Options for ID Window” from the Channel Maintenance Menu, then take
the appropriate steps:
To move the ID Window:
Use the arrow keys or the mouse to move the ID Window’s position on the
monitor. If the window flickers but does not move, the window can’t go any
farther in the direction you’ve chosen; to position it somewhere else, move the
mouse in the opposite direction, or tap the opposite arrow key, until the
window starts moving again.
To change the Window’s background color:
Press the [Pg Up] (page up) key to cycle through the available background
colors for the Window until your desired color appears.
To change the Window’s text color:
Press the [Pg Dn] (page down) key to cycle through the available text colors
for the Window until your desired color appears.
To change the Window’s width:
Use the [+] or [–] key to make the Window wider or narrower respectively.
When you’re finished, press [Enter] to accept and save the changes or press [Esc]
to exit the menu without saving the changes.
4.3.5.B Setting the ID Window’s Dwell Time
The ID Window’s “dwell time” is the length of time it remains on screen after you
switch channels. The default dwell time for all channels is five seconds, but you can
set the Window’s dwell time independently for each channel if you want to. To do
so, choose “Dwell Time for ID Window” from the Channel Maintenance Menu,
then enter a number from 0 (zero) to 255:
• Setting the dwell time to 0 disables the ID Window for the selected channel.
• Setting the dwell time to a value from 1 to 254 causes the ID Window to
remain on screen for that many seconds for the selected channel.
• Setting the dwell time to 255 causes the ID Window to remain on screen for
the entire time that the selected channel is active.