set port-role
Syntax: set port-role <range> <access|trunk|hybrid> [vid]
Description: Sets Egress rule: configures the port roles.
<range> :which port(s) you want to set, syntax 1, 5–7, available from 1 to 8
<access>: Do not tag frames
<trunk>: Tag all frames
<hybrid>: Tag all frames except a specific VID
<vid>: untag-vid for hybrid port
Possible value:
<range>: 1 to 8
<vid>: 1 to 4094
Giga Switch(vlan)# set port-role 5 hybrid 6
set pvid
Syntax: set pvid <range> <pvid>
Description: Sets the vlan pvid.
<range>: which port(s) you want to set PVID(s), syntax 1, 5–7, available from 1 to 8
<pvid>: which PVID(s) you want to set, available from 1 to 4094
Possible value:
<range>: 1 to 8
<pvid>: 1 to 4094
Giga Switch(vlan)# set pvid 3,5,6-8 5
CHAPTER 5: CLI Management