import user-conf
Syntax: import user-conf
Description: Runs the import user-conf function.
Argument: None
Possible value: None
Giga Switch(config-file)# import user-conf
Import successful.
set export-path
Syntax: set export-path <filepath>
Description: Sets up the filepath and filename that will be exported.
Argument: <filepath>:filepath and filename
Possible value:<filepath>:filepath and filename
Giga Switch(config-file)# set export-path log/21511.txt
set import-path
Syntax: set import-path <filepath>
Description: Sets up the filepath and filename that will be imported.
Argument: <filepath>:filepath and filename
Possible value: <filepath>:filepath and filename
Giga Switch(config-file)# set import-path log/21511.txt
24-Port 10/100BASE-TX L2 Managed PoE Switch with 2 SFP Dual Media Ports