The software will then display a ‘Heater Check’ window with a countdown timer of 20 minutes.
Upon completion of the check, the software will display an indication if all heaters are functioning properly or alert the
user to a possible faulty module.
Prime Z1 and Z2
This feature allows the user to manually prime the Z1 (dispense) prove and Z2 (extract) probe in one click. Upon
clicking this button, the system will prime the Z1 pump and Z2 pump five times each. This feature is designed to be used
when the system is set up for the first time or when checking the system before a run.
Prime Pump Z1
This feature allows the user to manually prime the Z1 (dispense) probe.
Prime Pump Z2
This feature allows the user to manually prime the Z2 (extract) probe.
Lock Door / Unlock Door
This button allows the user to manually actuate the door lock to either the “locked” or “unlocked” position. The button is
not available during a run
Backup Report Data
Do not use this feature. Reserved for future use.
Replace Pump1 Syringe
Do not use this feature. Reserved for future use.
Replace Pump2 Syringe
Do not use this feature. Researved for future use.