33 | Wi-Q™ Mercury Setup and User Guide
5. The Gateway will reboot immediately. During a reboot, the
Gateway will flash purple. Once it reconnects to the ACS,
the LED will display a solid green light. See the table on
for more information on the LED’s. Factory Reset the Gateway
Occasionally, situations arise that require the Gateway to be reset
back to factory default settings. To perform a factory reset, do the
1. Remove Gateway from enclosure or from the mounted
2. On the back of the Gateway locate the ‘Deep Reset’ but-
ton next to the Ethernet inlet. The ‘Deep Reset’ button
is a recessed button accessible from a pin hole. See
figure 11.
3. Push and hold the ‘Deep Reset’ button using a small im-
plement such as a paper clip for more than 10 seconds.
Figure 11 Wi-Fi Reset Button
Reset Button
3. In the firmware upgrade pop-up screen, click on the
‘Browse’ button to browse to the firmware file.
4. Browse to the previously extracted .gzhe portal firmware
file and click the ‘Open’ button to upload the file.
5. The selected file will be listed in the pop-up window. Verify
it is correct and click the ‘Apply’ button.
6. The firmware will be applied to the Gateway. The Gate-
way’s LED will flash aqua when it downloads the firmware. Reboot Gateway
Occasionally it may be necessary to reboot the WQXM-PG Gate-
way. This action can also be referred to as a reset. To reboot the
Gateway do the following:
1. Navigate to the ‘Gateway’ menu option of the Gateway.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the screen.
3. Click the ‘Reboot Gateway’ button.
4. A pop-up window will appear asking if you are sure you
want to reboot the Gateway. Any changes made and that
have not been saved will be lost. Click the ‘Reset’ button
to continue.